
So here’s my challenge:


I really want to use this blog to more or less document my journey through books and 2015.  This is more for me to retain memory of what i’ve read and my thoughts and insight (and to be able to hindsight accordingly) as I read through these 52 books.  For the most part, I will be using books that I already have in my husbands and my joint library.  Books that I have not read but acquired with the intention of reading.

Goal 1: A book you can finish in a day
I chose “The Old Man and the Sea” by Ernest Hemingway.  I have been intrigued by this book since high school.  A girl named Grace Banks did a book report on it and made it sound horrible, thus staving me off from it for well over a decade.  I’ve never read Hemingway, which might seem a travesty to anyone who has studied literature so I eased myself into him with this short 127 page book.

So pretty much the title of the book is the whole book.  An old man goes fishing without his little buddy who used to fish with him but can’t anymore because his parents won’t let him fish with someone who can’t catch fish.  He’s might as well be a “buck-less” Yooper. If you know anything about Michigan you know what I’m talking about.  A fisherman without a fish is just a man.  He finally hooks a fish and it turns out this fish is big enough to drag him and his boat around the gulf of Mexico for a few days until its tired out enough that he can kill it.  Then the sharks eat the fish and all he has left is the carcass of a 1500 lb fish.  Oh, and he really likes the Yankees.

It was simply beautiful.  It made me wonder if Paulo Coehlo was inspired in his writing style by Hemingway.  Simple, beautiful prose that move you.

January page goal: 127/1,096

Next: A book with magic